Locally Sourced Food

The Problem

The longer food travels from farm to table, the more CO2 is emitted.

Source: Why Buy Local Food? It’s Healthier for You and Better for the Environment

How FJDMV is helping

We source from local farms in the DMV that use environmentally friendly practices.

Our Partners

Locally sourced produce from Potomac Vegetable Farms

  • Sylvanqua dedicates at least half of their harvests to ending food insecurity in the DMV. We are one of the recipient organizations of their Mutual Aid Shares program which provides monthly egg and meat delivery.

  • FreshFarm runs 30 farmers markets in the DMV and connects local growers to consumers. In summer they donate produce to us every month. Once they donated $15,000 of produce that they delivered to our DC community & rent strike groups.

  • Earth Spring Farm is a family-owned and operated farm that specializes in naturally grown non-GMO produce, pastured eggs and healthy soil. We purchase fruits and vegetables from them every week.


Reclaimed Food


Plant Based Food